Respawn Levels and Worlds

Internally, bevy_ecs_ldtk uses a Respawn component on worlds and levels to assist in the spawning process. This can be leveraged by users to implement a simple level restart feature, or an even more heavy-handed world restart feature.

This code is from the collectathon cargo example.

Respawn the world

To respawn the world, get the world's Entity and insert the Respawn component to it. This is especially easy if, like most users, you only have one world in your game.

fn main() {
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_ecs_ldtk::prelude::*;
fn respawn_world(
    mut commands: Commands,
    ldtk_projects: Query<Entity, With<Handle<LdtkProject>>>,
    input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
) {
    if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyR) {

Note that this will respawn worldly entities too.

Respawn the currently-selected level

Respawning a level works similarly to respawning the world. Get the level's Entity and insert the Respawn component to it.

The optimal strategy for finding the level entity can differ depending on the game. For example, if the game should only spawn one level at a time, operate under that assumption and query for the only LevelIid entity.

fn main() {
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_ecs_ldtk::prelude::*;
fn respawn_only_level(
    mut commands: Commands,
    levels: Query<Entity, With<LevelIid>>,
    input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>
) {
    if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyL) {

If the game spawns multiple levels and you want the one specified in the LevelSelection, you may need a more complex strategy.

In the collectathon cargo example, the LevelSelection is always assumed to be of the Iid variety. If you share this assumption, get the LevelIid from the LevelSelection and then search for the matching level entity.

fn main() {
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_ecs_ldtk::prelude::*;
fn respawn_level(
    mut commands: Commands,
    level_selection: Res<LevelSelection>,
    levels: Query<(Entity, &LevelIid)>,
    input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
) {
    if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyL) {
        let level_selection_iid = match level_selection.as_ref() {
            LevelSelection::Iid(iid) => iid,
            _ => panic!("level should always be selected by iid in this example"),

        for (level_entity, level_iid) in levels.iter() {
            if level_iid == level_selection_iid {

However, if you cannot make the same assumption, access the LdtkProject asset data and search for the level matching your LevelSelection. There is a method on LdtkProject to perform this search.

fn main() {
use bevy::prelude::*;
use bevy_ecs_ldtk::prelude::*;
fn respawn_level(
    mut commands: Commands,
    level_selection: Res<LevelSelection>,
    levels: Query<(Entity, &LevelIid)>,
    input: Res<ButtonInput<KeyCode>>,
    ldtk_projects: Query<&Handle<LdtkProject>>,
    ldtk_project_assets: Res<Assets<LdtkProject>>,
) {
    if input.just_pressed(KeyCode::KeyL) {
        if let Some(only_project) = ldtk_project_assets.get(ldtk_projects.single()) {
            let level_selection_iid = LevelIid::new(
                    .expect("spawned level should exist in project")

            for (level_entity, level_iid) in levels.iter() {
                if level_selection_iid == *level_iid {


Note that, unlike respawning the world, respawning the level will not respawn any worldly entities.